Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 6

It's hard to believe we have reached the half way mark of Term One! This week in Two Maroon we are focusing on words ending in 'nd' and 'nt'. (The spelling words for this week are on our 'Homework' page.) We are also learning about adjectives and the parts of a narrative in readiness for writing our own narratives.

In maths we will be revising what we have done this term in readiness for next week's assessment item that covers all the topics covered so far.

You might like to ask your child about the gospel reading from the first Sunday in Lent, or the Aboriginal people who lived in Logan city or the water experiment we did at the end of last week. :)

Have a great week!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 5

Welcome to another week. Today marks the start of the new homework grid for the fortnight. The children will have brought home their other homework book with this week's spelling words and the new homework grid to allow us time to mark the homework that was handed in today. If your child forgot their homework, please remind them to bring it in this week, preferably by tomorrow.

In class we are focusing on words beginning with 'sm' & 'tw' and we will be looking at what words are 'verbs'. In maths we are continuing to explore numbers to 200. This includes counting forwards and backwards in 1s, and counting forwards to 200 in 5s and 10s. It would be great if you can practise this at home anytime you get the opportunity - in the car is always an easy time to do it! We will also explore data representation and interpretation.

On Tuesday we will make pancakes to mark "Shrove Tuesday" and on Wednesday the children will receive ashes for "Ash Wednesday". We will begin our Lentern focus. We are also finding out about water in our connected unit.

As you can see, it will be another busy week. Hope you have a good one!
On Thursday morning on the 16th of February, our class presented our vision statement to the 2 other year 2 classes, 3 year 5 classes and to Mr Aspland, Mr Gambley and Miss Castelly. 

In class we have been talking about what it means to have a good working and learning environment.
The theme this year is sustainability and we thought about how we can sustain the relationships within our class to help us learn and grow together. 
We started to look at some pages and posters of the Creation Story and we read the book “The Waterhole” .  After seeing the pictures in these 2 stories, the children had the idea that we are all individual but we get along.  In our picture we are all represented by a different animal. The children want we teachers to be in the picture as we are part of the class and nurture us all.  2M can all work together and sustain our learning environment by:

v Working together as a team

v Being kind like Jesus

v Always doing our best

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Week 4

Welcome to another week. This week in Year 2 we are learning about nouns and we will continue to practise our editing skills. Our spelling words begin with 'sn' and 'sw'.

In maths we are continuing to practise our counting both forwards and backwards to 200! We are revising 3D shapes - cubes, retangular prisms, cylinders, cones and spheres and exploring their features - faces, edges & vertices.

We are also finishing our Vision Statement in readiness for our Vision Statement presentation in the church on Thursday 16th February at 9 am.

Hope you have a good week!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Email Addresses

Hi Mums & Dads

We would greatly appreciate it if you could send us both an email so we can save your addresses and create a class contact list for ourselves. Email is our prefered method of communication as that way both of us can have a copy, (even on our non-teaching days) as we work closely together and communicate regularly.

Please find our email addresses below:

Thanking you, Felicity & Melissa


After a year level discussion yesterday afternoon, we have decided that we have set too much homework. Nightly reading, spelling and sight words are a 'must do'. The maths on Studyladder must be done at least once a week because some of the activities will change weekly. Preparing for 'Together Time' is also a 'must do'. Your child may choose 3 of the other activities to complete over the two week grid block. The next homework grid you receive will have had some modifications made to it. We will no longer be setting a minimum time for activities, whatever works for your child and your family. We have said that we will change homework books on a rotational basis (so the two of us get assess to the children's homework and share the marking)but these will be changed fortnightly so it ties in with the fortnightly homework grid. Your child will still receive spelling weekly though. We ask that the children bring their homework folder in daily (they each have a box to put it in) so that they can change their home reader daily. We prefer to send home readers home in the folder instead of loose in their school bag as the folders keep the books protected. We apologise for the mix up with Studyladder. We thought it had been set up so that the children didn't need a password but this obviously didn't work! Your child will receive their password in the next day or so. Sorry if this has caused any confusion or stress. We appreciate your patience as we work to establish our homework routine. We want something that works for you as well as us!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Melissa & Felicity
We appreciate your patience as we transform this blog from a Prep class over to a Year 2 class. There have been some issues with passwords etc but these seem to have been sorted out so stay turned!