Monday, September 17, 2012

Week 10

It is hard to believe it is the last week of Term 3! Last week the children completed assessment tasks for our units of work so you may have found they were extra tired by night.  This week we are taking things more easy and are putting the finishing touches to art work ready for your visit to our classroom on Showcase Evening, this Wednesday 19th September from 6 - 7 pm. 

There is no homework this week.  Please remind your child to return homework and any outstanding home readers.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday night!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Week 9

Welcome to another week.  This week we will be busy working on assessement tasks for our various units.  A big thanks to those who sent tissues in, it's been a bad year for runny noses!

Homework is due today and a new homework grid is available.  You will find it and the spelling words on the Homework page.

In Maths, our focus over the next couple of weeks will be on the processes of sliding and flipping.

Today the children saw a presentation on spine safety.  Ask them what they learnt from this experience.

Enjoy your week!