Sunday, April 26, 2015

Term 2 Week 2

Welcome to week 2.
Outlined below is an exert from the term newsletter.  The newsletter will be handed out on Monday.  Our class is coordinating the Parish mass this week.  Wednesday 29th April 9.00 am.  Hope to see you there.



RELIGION – Our Religion unit for the term is Sacramental Celebration. In this unit the children will learn about the sacraments, what they mean, symbols used and why. At the end of the unit, the children will have a greater understanding of the sacraments and how they fit in with our faith journey.


HISTORY – COLONIAL AUSTRALIA:. The children will be learning about the early colonisation of Australia. In this unit, the children will be looking at penal and free settlements, focussing on the penal settlements of Port Arthur and St Helena Island and the free settlements of Adelaide and Melbourne. This unit will also include an excursion to Saint Helena Island on the Thursday 21 May, 2015. The children will then write an illustrated fact sheet on Saint Helena Island.


GEOGRAPHY: The children will be learning about the States, Capitals, Population Density and Climatic regions of Australia.


SCIENCE – BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE. The children will explore how different creatures adapt to their different environments.



We use Signpost Maths on a daily or almost daily basis. We also use Signpost Maths Mentals - used to help with mental computation. 



In Literacy, we are focussing on the writing genre of Narrative. We will also be doing practise for Naplan. The children will also be focussing continually on grammar and punctuation.


We can not stress enough the importance of your child reading for at least 15 minutes every day.



This term the children will be participating in Dance Fever which is an exciting 40 minute dance session every Tuesday.


SPORT:  During this term, the children have Interschool Sports Practice every Thursday from 8.00am to 9.00am. The Interschool Sport Competition is every Friday from 12.00pm – 2.55pm


Just a reminder that birthdays are a special thing for children and we are happy to celebrate them at school. If you would like to bring something for the children to share please bring individual patty cakes or other things that are easy to hand out.

Enjoy the coming week.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Term 2 Week 1

Hi and welcome to term 2!  I hope you all had an enjoyable break and lovely Easter celebrations with your family. 

This will be another busy term with lots of things happening.  I will send home a letter soon.  Our class will be celebrating Parish Mass next week on Wednesday the 29th April.  Hope you can join us.

The ANZAC March will be held on Saturday and we are meeting at 9.45am.  I will be there and participating in the march so please encourage your child to attend.

Homework will occur each week but will remain minimal..... Spelling and times tables are what is expected each Friday.

Enjoy your week.
