A guide to help you understand what is coming home in the portfolios and Semester 1 report cards!
Criteria sheets will reflect the marking guide used to assess a piece of student’s work. These will have several key points similar across the year levels. These include:
· The significant task the students completed
· the subject area/s listed and unit topic
· the key curriculum content descriptors (taken directly from the Australian Curriculum)
· dot points under the descriptors to describe the specific work required to achieve this descriptor
A five point scale of A-E is awarded in conjunction with a 4 point effort scale. I stress that the 5 point scale we use today is NOT the same as when we were at school. The expected achievement standard for the year level, which includes all work being covered to be understood and demonstrated consistently across a range of assessment items, is awarded a ‘C’ rating. This is NOT just average, just doing what is needed to scrape through! This is an excellent achievement, a semester of consistent work, meeting year level expectations.
Keep in mind this year with the introduction of the Australian curriculum, the amount and level of complexity of the work has increased significantly in every year level, yes even in Prep! For a student to achieve a ‘C’ rating this is something to be praised and celebrated as it is a semester of dedication and a significant amount of work to be completed.
One very important part of the criteria sheet and/or report card is the effort rating. This is a very telling sign of how much effort and commitment to their learning your child has. The ratings are: Consistently, Generally, Sometimes and Rarely. We would expect that most children are working in the Consistently or Generally rating. If your child comes home with ratings in the Sometimes or Rarely column, I would be questioning them as to why they are not trying their very best at all times.
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