Sunday, November 11, 2012

Week 6

Hi and welcome to another week.  As we're sure you're aware, last week the children sat their maths test for this term.  This week they will be busy finishing off our Religion, English and Science units.
This Tuesday swimming lessons commence. We swim at 9.30 am so we need the children to come to school wearing their swimmers under their uniform and to also have sunscreen already applied.  They must have a swimming cap and they will need thongs to walk in.  They may also have sun shirts.  Please also remember to pack a towel and underwear!

No more home readers will be sent home now.  The library need to collect them for sorting this week so we need any you still have at home back ASAP.  It is very important for the children to continue to read at home between now and the beginning of year 3.  Make use of the wonderful council libraries if they run out of books at home.


Have a great week!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Week 4

Welcome to Week 4, this term is very quickly slipping by!  This week we are continuing our literature unit, focusing on Where's the Gold? and The Little Old Man who looked up at the Moon.   Once again, these are by Pamela Allen.  The children are really enjoying her books so if you are interested in getting some for home, keep an eye out at Australia Post shops as they often sell a pack of four of her books for a great price (about $10), especially in the lead up to Christmas.

In maths we are continuing with to work on addition, subtraction and multiplication as well as area.  This week we will also investigate chance by exploring possible outcomes of events and discussing the likelihood of events.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Week 3

Hi All
We hope you enjoyed your weekend and the pupil free day despite the heat.  Maybe some of you were lucky enough to get to the beach! 

We are continuing our focus on Pamela Allen's books.  This week we will be sharing Daisy All-sorts and Our daft dog Danny with the children and we will do activities associated with them.  The children are really enjoying this unit, we look forward to the book reviews they are going to present!

In maths, with are continuing to practise multiplication using groups and arrays.  We are also continuing our investigation of area. 

Homework was due today and the new homework grid and this week's spelling words are available on the Homework page.  The children were very excited to share their pull and push investigation that they did as part of homework.  Thank you for assisting them with this and supporting our unit of work.

A reminder that children should be reading each night.  Even if they are at the stage of reading chapter books, it is still important they read aloud.  One suggestion is for them to read a paragraph or page and then you read a paragraph or page.  They can also read a picture book to a younger sibling or cousin. 

You can also give a lot of support to your child's reading development by spending some time asking them some questions about their reading.  This will help them to develop vital comprehension skills.

Have a great week!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Week 2

Welcome to another week.  The children are really enjoying the literature unit we are doing in english.  This week, the books we are focusing on are Grandpa and Thomas and the Green Umbrella and Cutherbert's Babies, two great books from the wonderful Pamela Allen.

In maths we are continuing to practise addition and subtraction and explore area (the amount of surface a shape covers).  We will also be exploring the concept of multiplication using groups and arrays as well as exploring simple multiplication word problems.

Don't forget that the children need to complete the science sheet on push-pull as part of their homework.  We will be using these in class next Tuesday.

A reminder that the disco is on this Friday evening in Siena and next Monday is a pupil free day as the teachers are participating in moderation and professional development.

Have a great week!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Week 1

Welcome back!  We hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable holiday.  It's hard to believe we have begun the final term of the school year.  It only seems like yesterday that we welcomed the children on their first day of year 2! 

This term will be busy with lots to fit in in a short 9 weeks.  The children will bring home a Term 4 Parent Newsletter outlining what they will be learning during the week.

The homework grid has been uploaded onto the Homework Page and you will find Week 1's spelling words there too.

Have a good week!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Week 10

It is hard to believe it is the last week of Term 3! Last week the children completed assessment tasks for our units of work so you may have found they were extra tired by night.  This week we are taking things more easy and are putting the finishing touches to art work ready for your visit to our classroom on Showcase Evening, this Wednesday 19th September from 6 - 7 pm. 

There is no homework this week.  Please remind your child to return homework and any outstanding home readers.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday night!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Week 9

Welcome to another week.  This week we will be busy working on assessement tasks for our various units.  A big thanks to those who sent tissues in, it's been a bad year for runny noses!

Homework is due today and a new homework grid is available.  You will find it and the spelling words on the Homework page.

In Maths, our focus over the next couple of weeks will be on the processes of sliding and flipping.

Today the children saw a presentation on spine safety.  Ask them what they learnt from this experience.

Enjoy your week!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Donations please

We have run out of tissues and with over a quarter of the year still to go we are asking for donations.  Not all children brought a box in at the beginning of the year as requested on the book list so it would be great if they could bring them in now. 
Thanks for your assitance!
Felicity and Melissa

Monday, August 27, 2012

Week 8

Welcome to another week.  It's so hard to believe we are at the beginning of Week 8 already, once again another term is going by very quickly!
 The children are to be congratulated on the efforts they put into the maths exam last week.  Well done!  This week in maths we will be reviewing work practised so far and focusing more on fractions and decimals.  We will revise the meaning of halves, quarters and thirds, explore the concept that 1/2 is bigger than 1/4 even though 4 is bigger than 2 and use the fractions 1/2, 1/3, 1/3 to represent everyday situations.  It would benefit the children greatly if you could practise these concepts at home with everyday situations, i.e total number of sausages to be cooked, how many sausages if we only cook 1/2, 1/4 etc...

This week our spelling words focus on r influenced 'ur'.  You will find the spelling words on the Homework page.

A reminder that the Father's day stall is on this coming Wednesday 29th August.

Enjoy your week,
Felicity & Melissa

Monday, August 20, 2012

Week 7

Welcome to a new week.  This one promises to be much less eventful than the previous week! We hope you enjoyed your show holiday last Monday and it was wonderful to see some of you at Under 8's day last Tuesday.  Thank you for all your efforts with costumes for the Book Parade last Thursday and another thanks to the parents who assisted on the excursion last Friday.  

week will see us getting back into routine and our units of work.  A new homeword grid goes home today, if your child hasn't returned the previous week's homework can they do so tomorrow. The new homework grid and spelling words can be found on the Homework Page of the blog. You will find the 'Puzzle Maker' link mentioned in 'Using Technology for Work' on the Homework Grid under "Literacy Sites". 

The children will be sitting this term's Maths Test on Wednesday morning.  A reminder that the Father's day mass and breakfast is this Friday 24th August at 7.15.  We are still after photos of the children with their dads for a slideshow reflection for the mass (even if they won't be at the mass).  Please email these to Felicity at by Wednesday.

Have a good week!
Felicity & Melissa

Monday, August 6, 2012

Week 5

Welcome to Week 5.  This week we continue to explore our units of work.

In maths we are revising the meaning of halves and exploring the meaning of quarters and thirds.  We are also continuing to review all content covered so far this term in preparation for our Term 3 maths exam in Week 7.  You can support your child by doing the following with them: reading anologue clocks (o'clock, half-past, quarter past & quarter to), reading calenders, doing single-digit additions and subtractions, counting money and counting in 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s to 200.

The homework grid is due today and you will find the new homework grid and this week's spelling words on the Homework page of the blog.  We encourage the children to bring their reading folder daily so they can be given a new book.  Regular practise is what develops vocabulary and fluency.  Please ask your children some questions about what they are reading to assist in the development of comprehension.  The same goes for T.V. shows or movies that they watch - ask them some questions about it.

Next week will be a busy week so here is a reminder of what's happening.  Next Monday 13th August is the Logan Show holiday so there will be no school.  On Tuesday we celebrate Under 8's day with a morning of activities on the junior oval (let's hope we continue to have these beautiful days!). There is no holiday for the children on Wednesday and there is a whole school mass to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption. On Thursday we will have our Bookweek parade.  The children are able to come to school dressed as their favourite character from a book.  

Have an enjoyable week!
Felicity & Melissa

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Week 4

Welcome to another week.  This week sees us continuing with with our units of work.  A reminder that we need the children to complete the project activity on the Homework grid as we will be using this in class for history.  We also still need some children to bring their baby photo in as part of our science unit.

In english we are focusing on the parts of an information report and our spelling words are 'r' influenced 'ear' & 'eer'.  The children brought their lists home yesterday but you will also find this week's words on the Homework page.

In maths we will continue to review the topics from the last couple of weeks as well as introduce calendars.  It would be great for the children to see you using a calendar at home.  It will also help their development and understanding of time if they are looking at analogue clocks regularly.

Have a great week!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Week 3

Welcome to another week.  We are being kept very busy exploring our Term 3 units of work in more detail.

This week in maths we are exploring adding 10, 20, 30 etc to single-digit numbers.  We are also revising reading 'o'clock', 'half-past' and 'quarter past' times and will introduce reading 'quarter to' times.

You will find the homework grid and our spelling words on the Homework page. 

A reminder that everyone needs to complete the project on the homework grid.  We are wanting the children to find out about what toys their parents and grandparents played with when they were young as part of our history unit.

Have a good week!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Week 2

Welcome to another week in Year Two.  This week we continue to explore our units more.  Our spelling words focus on 'r' influenced 'are' & 'air'.  Our spelling list is:

chair, fair, hair, pair, stair, bare, care, dare, hare, mare, where, which, after, eat, good, play, summer, square

In maths we are continuing to revise single-digit addition facts, look at single-digit word problems and write these word problems as number sentences.  We are also revising single-digit subtraction facts, look at single-digit word problems and write these word problems as number sentences.

As I'm sure you're aware from your excited children we have started to investigate mealworms as part of our science unit, 'Watch it grow!'  We are also going to be looking at how people grow (hence the need for children's baby photos as per the message last week).  It would be great if the children had the opportunity to look at the life stages of some other animals too.  If anyone has access to tadpoles or silkworms we would love to have them in the class. Please see us if you can help.

Have a great week,

Felicity and Melissa

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Hi!  Please go to 'Older Post' (down the bottom of this post) to see the two posts we have put up today.  One relates to homework and the other relates to something we did in class today.

Our Exciting Observation of a Mystery Animal!

There was great excitment in Two Maroon today when we were put into groups and each group was given a container with something interesting inside.  We had to observe what we saw and then we had a class discussion and shared our ideas.

Inside were little animals that we had never seen before!  Some of us were brave and held them while others felt too scared.  We observed that these animals tickle when held in our hand and they can move very fast, especially when on a desk because it is smooth.

Some of us think that these animals wil change into butterflies, some think they will stay looking the same and only grow bigger and some of us think that they will not change at all.  What do you think?

If you don't know what these animals are, ask Two Maroon!

Homework Grid

Hi Parent,

We apologise if you tried to access the homework grid last night.  The privacy settings have been changed so hopefully you won't have any troubles now.  Thanks for your patience while we adjust to these new technologies!

Felicity and Melissa

Monday, July 9, 2012

Term 3!

Welcome back to a new term.  We hope you all had an enjoyable holiday and that the children are eager to return, ready to learn and do lots of exciting things!

You will receive a note with an overview of the content to be covered during the Term. 

Homework will resume today.  Please check the Homework page for the fortnight's Homework Grid.  We hope the children remember to bring their folders daily so that they are getting new books and reading every night.  Remember the old saying: "Practise makes perfect"!

The homework grid is on the Homework page of our blog.  There, you will also find the link to Studyladder.  We have included some money activities as a revision of what we were doing before the  holidays.

As part of our units of work, there will be a few things we will be asking for assistance with.  As soon as possible, can children please bring in a baby photo of themself along with their birth measurements - weight (kg), length (cm) and head circumference (cm).

We hope you have a great week!
Felicity and Melissa

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Week 10

Wow, it's hard to believe this Friday marks the end of another of another term and the half way point of the year!

The children had a great day at the carnival yesterday.  It was wonderful to see their smiling faces whether they were winning or not. 

We are not having homework for this final week.  For spelling in our literacy rotations, the children are practising words they have gotten wrong in spelling tests throughout the term.  We will not be sending readers home either as we want all books returned so we can send them back to the library.

We hope you have a safe and relaxing holiday and we look forward to seeing you in Term 3.

Felicity and Melissa

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Parent Teacher Interviews

It's that time of year again!  Parent Teacher Interviews will be held from Tuesday 12th to Thursday 14th June.  If you haven't yet booked your time on the new online system please do so by THIS Friday as this week is the last week it is open.  (The details for this, along with the code and password, were posted a couple of weeks ago.) 

Felicity and Melissa

Monday, May 28, 2012

Week 7

Congratulations to Two Maroon on a fantastic assembly on Friday, the children did really well!  After a busy week 6 with an excursion, St. Bernardine's Day, photos and assembly we will be focusing more on our units of work again.  On Tuesday morning the children will sit this term's Maths test.  They will also be completing assessment for Science, History and Religion so we suspect they will be quite tired by Friday!

This week is Two Maroon's turn to do prayer at daily morning assembly.

Today the Homework grid for Week's 7 and 8 went home.  You will find the basic spelling list under the Homework Page if the children have lost their list.

Hope you have a good week!

Felicity and Melissa

Monday, May 21, 2012


A reminder that Year Two are going on an excursion to Greenbank RSL tomorrow (Tuesday 22nd May).  We will walk there at 9 am and return at 10. 30 am.  Children need to be dressed in correct uniform and have their school hat. 

Another reminder that from today you can log onto PTO to book your interview time.  Your username and password should have arrived in the post.

What's on the rest of the week?
Tuesday:  Excursion to Greenbank RSL
Wednesday:  St Bernardine's Feast day - Free Dress Day with gold coin donation, sausage sizzle and ice block supplied to children
Thursday:  School Photos (remember to return forms and payment).  Our photo time has changed and will now be at 12.00 pm. 
Friday:  Our Assembly - 10.10 am

Friday, May 18, 2012

Week 6

Hi parents,

This week the children have a busy week ahead.....

On Tuesday this week all year 2 children will be walking over to the Greenbank RSL for an excursion as part of our History unit.  Please remember your child has their hat with them today.

On Wednesday our school is celebrating St Bernardines day.  FREE DRESS DAY with a gold coin donation.  This day will begin with a whole school mass in Siena hall and then a day of fun activities.  There are no formal lessons on this day.  The school will provide a sausage sizzle lunch for the children and an ice block.  Please pack a drink and any extra snacks your child may need during the day.

On Thursday we have our school photos.  Our class will be having their photos before the first break at about 10.15am.

On Friday we will be performing our assembly for the school. School assembly starts at 10.10am. Remember your child needs to wear a plain coloured tshirt for our assembly.  If your child is reading then they will have their reading with them to practise during the week.   All year 2 children will also be doing their Maths Exam today.

Please remember Parent Teacher Interviews are now to be booked online.  This eliminates all the paper used in sorting out the times etc. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Change of Assembly Date

Hi all,
Please be advised that there has been a change of date to our assembly.

 The NEW date is Friday 25th May 2012 at 10am. 

Apologises for any inconvenience, especially if you have rearranged work commitments and family life.  We still hope you can come at the amended date. 

The children are doing the story of Joseph and the Technicoloured Dreamcoat.  Please give your child a plain coloured t-shirt to wear on assembly. Please do NOT go and buy one if you don't have one...  If we know ahead of time we will provide one for your child - ( our own children have plenty! ) Some children will have other costumes but we have made them.  Keep watch for any more assembly clothes or prop notes.

Thanks for your patience.

Melissa and Felicity

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Week 4

Hi All, Welcome to another week, we hope you all enjoyed an extra long weekend!

Some reminders for the coming week:

* Homework grids are due next Monday. Your child will bring their spelling list home on the day they do spelling as their activity in Literacy Rotations.

 * Apologies regarding the 'My Mixture' worksheet mentioned on the Homework grid, it has been sent home today.

* A reminder that the Mother's Day stall is on Wednesday 9th May. Children can purshase 1 gift for their mum priced between $1 - $5.

* This week and next will be very busy in Two Maroon as we prepare for our Class Mass (Wednesday 16th May, 9 am) and our Assembly (Friday 18th May, 10.10 am). We hope you can join us.

* This week in Maths we are continuing to focus on time - o'clock, half past and quarter past. It would really support us if you can please focus on these at home on wall clocks, watches etc...

We hope you have a great short week!

 Felicity & Melissa

Monday, April 30, 2012

Week 3

Hi and welcome to another week. Apologies for no post last week, just realised it was still saved as a draft and was never published so we won't worry about it now!

Thank you for your support regarding our ANZAC unit. Many of the children have enjoyed sharing with us what they have found out about family members who have fought in war.

 A new homework grid has gone home today. Just a reminder in case there is any confusion regarding spelling words - testing for spelling is now done as part of our literacy rotations. This allows us to give each group of children a list which is suited to their level of development. Your child will bring home there next list of spelling words on the day they do spelling as a literacy rotation activity. They then have the week to learn them and they will be tested at their next spelling rotation.

We are revising single digit addition and want the children to be able to recall these number facts quickly so please spent some time practising when you can (in the car is always good!)

Have a good week!

Felicity and Melissa

Monday, April 16, 2012

Welcome Back!

We hope you all had a wonderful Easter and a "somewhat" relaxing holiday! The children were excited to come into the classroom this morning and share their holiday experiences!

Term Two is always a busy one with the public holidays, reports and interviews. We have lots of great learning planned for the children and we will give you more information about what's in store in our term newsletter that will go home later in the week.

The children only brought the homework grid and spelling words home this afternoon as we are allocating new reading levels to some and need to organize the home reader books accordingly.

Have a great week!

Friday, March 30, 2012

A message from Admin - Criteria Sheets/Report Cards

A guide to help you understand what is coming home in the portfolios and Semester 1 report cards!

Criteria sheets will reflect the marking guide used to assess a piece of student’s work. These will have several key points similar across the year levels. These include:
· The significant task the students completed
· the subject area/s listed and unit topic
· the key curriculum content descriptors (taken directly from the Australian Curriculum)
· dot points under the descriptors to describe the specific work required to achieve this descriptor

A five point scale of A-E is awarded in conjunction with a 4 point effort scale. I stress that the 5 point scale we use today is NOT the same as when we were at school. The expected achievement standard for the year level, which includes all work being covered to be understood and demonstrated consistently across a range of assessment items, is awarded a ‘C’ rating. This is NOT just average, just doing what is needed to scrape through! This is an excellent achievement, a semester of consistent work, meeting year level expectations.

Keep in mind this year with the introduction of the Australian curriculum, the amount and level of complexity of the work has increased significantly in every year level, yes even in Prep! For a student to achieve a ‘C’ rating this is something to be praised and celebrated as it is a semester of dedication and a significant amount of work to be completed.

One very important part of the criteria sheet and/or report card is the effort rating. This is a very telling sign of how much effort and commitment to their learning your child has. The ratings are: Consistently, Generally, Sometimes and Rarely. We would expect that most children are working in the Consistently or Generally rating. If your child comes home with ratings in the Sometimes or Rarely column, I would be questioning them as to why they are not trying their very best at all times.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Week 10

Wow, the last week of the term...we can't believe how quickly the time has gone by!

This week we are finishing off some projects and preparing for Easter with crafts and activities. We won't do home readers this week, please send home readers back so we can update our boxes ready for next term. Children just need to continue with their Homework grid and write and learn this week's spelling words. (These can be found on the Homework page).

The children did very well in the Cross Country today. They are excited about showing their classroom off at Showcase Evening on Wednesday from 6 - 7 pm. We look forward to seeing you all there!

Have a great week and a wonderful and safe holiday and Easter.

Felicity and Melissa

Monday, March 19, 2012

Week 9

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to Week 9! There may only be two weeks left of the term but we have lots to do as we prepare for portfolios and showcase. (Don't forget Showcase Evening is next Wednesday, 28th March from 6 - 7 pm) Expect tired children during the week!

The new Homework Grid is out and last fortnight's homework is now due. You will find the link for the new grid on the Homework page along with this week's spelling words.

This week the children will be working on their first Mathematics Project titled, "Let's have some fun and do some measuring!" What can they measure at home???

A reminder too, that the School Disco is on this Friday night.

Have a great week!

Felicity & Melissa

Monday, March 12, 2012

Week 8

Hi everyone, Welcome to Week 8. We have a couple of busy weeks ahead as we finish our units in readiness for portfolios and the Showcase Evening. This week the children will construct Terrariums and observe them. The children will also begin planning their narratives (their major English assessment) and we will continue to investigate the history of the Logan area.

In Maths we are revising different ways of informally measuring objects and exploring more formal ways of measuring.

The children were all given a list of this week's spelling but in case it doesn't make it home you can find the words on the homework page.

Have a good week!

Felicity & Melissa

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

New Websites

Hi Everyone

We have added the links to two new sites that we have been using this week. The children loved exploring the maths website in computer lab time today!

You will find the link for the "National Library of Visual Manipulatives" under the title 'Maths Sites' and you will find "TumbleBooks" under the title 'Literacy Sites'. This site has a great collection of online stories and it also has ebooks for iPads. ENJOY!

Melissa & Felicity


Hi All

Just a reminder that the homework grid and the numbers chart link are on the Homework Page. Please let us know if you are not able to print these at home and we will organise paper copies to go home. We are going to leave the same set activities on Studyladder for this week as this time are are eight activities in total.


Monday, March 5, 2012


Hi All!

The new Homework Grid can be found on the Homework Page. We have made the links maroon so they stand out. Just click and away you go!


Melissa & Felicity

Week 7

Welcome to Week 7! We are wondering where this term is going!

Another busy week ahead with much learning to be done. In English, we are finding out about temporal connectives, the words that describe time, e.g. After, later, since, first, before, finally etc. We are also continuing our focus on narratives. Kids, teach your parents the parts of a narrative.

On Wednesday we have our year 2 Math test so the focus for the week is to revise all we have learnt this term.

The spelling words went home today but they are also on the Homework page (see the bar above).
The new homework grid will be available on the Homework page tomorrow. Just a reminder that children should be reading nightly. Only half of the class brought their reading folder to school today, hope there is a big improvement tomorrow!

Have a good week!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 6

It's hard to believe we have reached the half way mark of Term One! This week in Two Maroon we are focusing on words ending in 'nd' and 'nt'. (The spelling words for this week are on our 'Homework' page.) We are also learning about adjectives and the parts of a narrative in readiness for writing our own narratives.

In maths we will be revising what we have done this term in readiness for next week's assessment item that covers all the topics covered so far.

You might like to ask your child about the gospel reading from the first Sunday in Lent, or the Aboriginal people who lived in Logan city or the water experiment we did at the end of last week. :)

Have a great week!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 5

Welcome to another week. Today marks the start of the new homework grid for the fortnight. The children will have brought home their other homework book with this week's spelling words and the new homework grid to allow us time to mark the homework that was handed in today. If your child forgot their homework, please remind them to bring it in this week, preferably by tomorrow.

In class we are focusing on words beginning with 'sm' & 'tw' and we will be looking at what words are 'verbs'. In maths we are continuing to explore numbers to 200. This includes counting forwards and backwards in 1s, and counting forwards to 200 in 5s and 10s. It would be great if you can practise this at home anytime you get the opportunity - in the car is always an easy time to do it! We will also explore data representation and interpretation.

On Tuesday we will make pancakes to mark "Shrove Tuesday" and on Wednesday the children will receive ashes for "Ash Wednesday". We will begin our Lentern focus. We are also finding out about water in our connected unit.

As you can see, it will be another busy week. Hope you have a good one!
On Thursday morning on the 16th of February, our class presented our vision statement to the 2 other year 2 classes, 3 year 5 classes and to Mr Aspland, Mr Gambley and Miss Castelly. 

In class we have been talking about what it means to have a good working and learning environment.
The theme this year is sustainability and we thought about how we can sustain the relationships within our class to help us learn and grow together. 
We started to look at some pages and posters of the Creation Story and we read the book “The Waterhole” .  After seeing the pictures in these 2 stories, the children had the idea that we are all individual but we get along.  In our picture we are all represented by a different animal. The children want we teachers to be in the picture as we are part of the class and nurture us all.  2M can all work together and sustain our learning environment by:

v Working together as a team

v Being kind like Jesus

v Always doing our best

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Week 4

Welcome to another week. This week in Year 2 we are learning about nouns and we will continue to practise our editing skills. Our spelling words begin with 'sn' and 'sw'.

In maths we are continuing to practise our counting both forwards and backwards to 200! We are revising 3D shapes - cubes, retangular prisms, cylinders, cones and spheres and exploring their features - faces, edges & vertices.

We are also finishing our Vision Statement in readiness for our Vision Statement presentation in the church on Thursday 16th February at 9 am.

Hope you have a good week!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Email Addresses

Hi Mums & Dads

We would greatly appreciate it if you could send us both an email so we can save your addresses and create a class contact list for ourselves. Email is our prefered method of communication as that way both of us can have a copy, (even on our non-teaching days) as we work closely together and communicate regularly.

Please find our email addresses below:

Thanking you, Felicity & Melissa


After a year level discussion yesterday afternoon, we have decided that we have set too much homework. Nightly reading, spelling and sight words are a 'must do'. The maths on Studyladder must be done at least once a week because some of the activities will change weekly. Preparing for 'Together Time' is also a 'must do'. Your child may choose 3 of the other activities to complete over the two week grid block. The next homework grid you receive will have had some modifications made to it. We will no longer be setting a minimum time for activities, whatever works for your child and your family. We have said that we will change homework books on a rotational basis (so the two of us get assess to the children's homework and share the marking)but these will be changed fortnightly so it ties in with the fortnightly homework grid. Your child will still receive spelling weekly though. We ask that the children bring their homework folder in daily (they each have a box to put it in) so that they can change their home reader daily. We prefer to send home readers home in the folder instead of loose in their school bag as the folders keep the books protected. We apologise for the mix up with Studyladder. We thought it had been set up so that the children didn't need a password but this obviously didn't work! Your child will receive their password in the next day or so. Sorry if this has caused any confusion or stress. We appreciate your patience as we work to establish our homework routine. We want something that works for you as well as us!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Melissa & Felicity
We appreciate your patience as we transform this blog from a Prep class over to a Year 2 class. There have been some issues with passwords etc but these seem to have been sorted out so stay turned!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

First Day

It was lovely to see familiar faces and meet some new ones today. For those of you we taught in Prep in was wonderful seeing how much you have grown up over the past two years. We look forward to watching you all grow and learn over the coming year.

Today we spent time organising all our books and getting use to having a desk for the first time. It will take some practise to open the desk with things on top of it at the same time! We wonder who can keep their desk tidy?

We spent time talking about our school rules. We read "The Kissing Hand" and the children made their own kissing hand as a gift for their parents. We spoke about Chinese New Year and have decorated the classroom with paper lanterns. We hope they bring our classroom good luck and many blessings for the coming year.