Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Week 4

Welcome to another week.  This week sees us continuing with with our units of work.  A reminder that we need the children to complete the project activity on the Homework grid as we will be using this in class for history.  We also still need some children to bring their baby photo in as part of our science unit.

In english we are focusing on the parts of an information report and our spelling words are 'r' influenced 'ear' & 'eer'.  The children brought their lists home yesterday but you will also find this week's words on the Homework page.

In maths we will continue to review the topics from the last couple of weeks as well as introduce calendars.  It would be great for the children to see you using a calendar at home.  It will also help their development and understanding of time if they are looking at analogue clocks regularly.

Have a great week!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Week 3

Welcome to another week.  We are being kept very busy exploring our Term 3 units of work in more detail.

This week in maths we are exploring adding 10, 20, 30 etc to single-digit numbers.  We are also revising reading 'o'clock', 'half-past' and 'quarter past' times and will introduce reading 'quarter to' times.

You will find the homework grid and our spelling words on the Homework page. 

A reminder that everyone needs to complete the project on the homework grid.  We are wanting the children to find out about what toys their parents and grandparents played with when they were young as part of our history unit.

Have a good week!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Week 2

Welcome to another week in Year Two.  This week we continue to explore our units more.  Our spelling words focus on 'r' influenced 'are' & 'air'.  Our spelling list is:

chair, fair, hair, pair, stair, bare, care, dare, hare, mare, where, which, after, eat, good, play, summer, square

In maths we are continuing to revise single-digit addition facts, look at single-digit word problems and write these word problems as number sentences.  We are also revising single-digit subtraction facts, look at single-digit word problems and write these word problems as number sentences.

As I'm sure you're aware from your excited children we have started to investigate mealworms as part of our science unit, 'Watch it grow!'  We are also going to be looking at how people grow (hence the need for children's baby photos as per the message last week).  It would be great if the children had the opportunity to look at the life stages of some other animals too.  If anyone has access to tadpoles or silkworms we would love to have them in the class. Please see us if you can help.

Have a great week,

Felicity and Melissa

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Hi!  Please go to 'Older Post' (down the bottom of this post) to see the two posts we have put up today.  One relates to homework and the other relates to something we did in class today.

Our Exciting Observation of a Mystery Animal!

There was great excitment in Two Maroon today when we were put into groups and each group was given a container with something interesting inside.  We had to observe what we saw and then we had a class discussion and shared our ideas.

Inside were little animals that we had never seen before!  Some of us were brave and held them while others felt too scared.  We observed that these animals tickle when held in our hand and they can move very fast, especially when on a desk because it is smooth.

Some of us think that these animals wil change into butterflies, some think they will stay looking the same and only grow bigger and some of us think that they will not change at all.  What do you think?

If you don't know what these animals are, ask Two Maroon!

Homework Grid

Hi Parent,

We apologise if you tried to access the homework grid last night.  The privacy settings have been changed so hopefully you won't have any troubles now.  Thanks for your patience while we adjust to these new technologies!

Felicity and Melissa

Monday, July 9, 2012

Term 3!

Welcome back to a new term.  We hope you all had an enjoyable holiday and that the children are eager to return, ready to learn and do lots of exciting things!

You will receive a note with an overview of the content to be covered during the Term. 

Homework will resume today.  Please check the Homework page for the fortnight's Homework Grid.  We hope the children remember to bring their folders daily so that they are getting new books and reading every night.  Remember the old saying: "Practise makes perfect"!

The homework grid is on the Homework page of our blog.  There, you will also find the link to Studyladder.  We have included some money activities as a revision of what we were doing before the  holidays.

As part of our units of work, there will be a few things we will be asking for assistance with.  As soon as possible, can children please bring in a baby photo of themself along with their birth measurements - weight (kg), length (cm) and head circumference (cm).

We hope you have a great week!
Felicity and Melissa