Sunday, October 25, 2015

Term 4 Week 4

5 Maroon Weekly Update


Welcome to Week Eight

·         Mr Matthews's ACU Prac student teacher is with us for his third week.

·         Library with Mrs Davey

·         Music with Miss Davies.

·         PE with Mr Eames.

·         Computer lab.

·         Assembly 2:25pm-2:55pm.
·         Cultural Literacy today.

·          Interschool Sport training
·         Spelling test and new homework handed out

·         Interschool Sport today. 
Enjoy your week

Monday, October 12, 2015

Term 4 Week 2

Welcome to week 2 already!!
This is a busy week.. We have a Prac student from ACU in our class for the next 4 weeks. Mr Matthews will be teaching our science unit this term. 

Enjoy the week.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Term4 Week 1

6th October 2015 

Dear Parents 

Welcome back to another exciting term at St Bernardine’s!  We trust that you have had an enjoyable holiday and are now back into the school routine.  We are writing to inform you about this term’s units. Our email addresses are:
5M - Mr Bill Galea        

5N - Mrs Felicity Pryer 

5G - Mrs Ellena Di Riamondo

5G - Mrs Jess Wetkin     

The main focus for Year 5 this term is the Saint Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. Our Religion unit is Christian Beliefs and Teachings and in this unit, we look at the lives of some early Religious leaders eg Mary McKillop, Caroline Chisolm and Frederic Ozanam who founded The St Vincent de Paul Society. In this unit we learn that as Christians we believe that we should follow in Jesus’s footsteps and do what we can to help others. A practical way of doing this is by running and promoting the Christmas appeal. You will hear more on this appeal later on in the term.
The children will be learning, in History, about the expansion and growth of Australia due to the discovery of gold. They will learn about significant early goldfields and the Eureka Stockade. Students will create, in small groups, a board game about the facts on the Eureka Stockade.
In Geography, we will be looking at fire safety, the devastation of house and bush fires and what precautions we can take against house and bush fire. 
We will be focussing on the unit Earth’s Place in Space in Science. We will be looking at our solar system and the names of the planets and their positions relative to the sun. We will also look at how the Sun and Earth work together to create day and night. 
In English, we will be looking at a number of different writing genres linked to different subject areas.
It has been a great year so far and we look forward to your continuing support throughout this term. If you have any questions about any of the units please don’t hesitate to contact us.  

Felicity Pryer.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Term 3 Week 8

This is a very busy week for 5M......

5 Maroon Weekly Update

Welcome to Week Eight
  • Miss O’Connor  (our USQ Prac student teacher)  is with us for her third and final week.
  • Numeracy Challenge closes at 8 pm.
  • Library with Mrs Davey
  • Music with Miss Davies.
  • PE with Mr Eames.
  • computer lab
  • Maths Test
  • Assembly 2:25pm-2:55pm.
  • Cultural Literacy today.
  •  Interschool Sport training
  • Spelling test and new homework handed out.
  • Father’s Day Liturgy 7.15 am.
  • interschool sport commences today.
Enjoy your week
Felicity Pryer. 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Term 3 Week 7

Welcome to week 7......
This week and next week our  class has a Prac student from USQ joining our room.  Her name is Stacey O'Connor.  She will be observing the class and the routine and towards the end of the week will be leading some lessons.

The class will be continuing writing their Religion articles and their History information reports and posters.  Next week will be the term maths test. 

Homework is due on Friday morning.

Have a good week.


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Term 3 Week 2

This week the children will commence their assessment tasks for both history and religion.

This week begins with a public holiday for the Ekka holiday.  On Tuesday we will have the Author Tristan Bancks chatting to the older year levels. 

Enjoy your week.


Friday, July 17, 2015

Term 3 Week 2

Our class assembly is on Wednesday afternoon this coming week.  Please join us and watch the class perform as they have been working very hard. 

This term the children will be working on three main units.  In History, we will be learning about the exploration of inland Australia. Our main focus will be on the journeys of Blaxland, Wentworth and Lawson and Burke and Wills and their contributions to the opening up of Australia for settlement.


The Science unit is called “Light Fantastic”. The children will be investigating various light sources and how light can be absorbed, reflected and refracted.


In Health the children will look at using effective strategies when interacting socially with others.


Our Religion unit for the term is Scripture. The children will be learning about how people lived in the time of Jesus. In this unit, the children will learn about the foods, clothing, entertainment, money, climate, education, etc in the time of Jesus. The children will use this information to present a newspaper in groups based on the format of the Courier Mail that will be set in the time of Jesus. This promises to be a very interesting unit.

It will be a very busy term but a very interesting and exciting one. 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Term 3 Week 1

Welcome back to the first school week.. This week starts very quickly and straight back into homework and spelling.

Our class is hosting assembly in week 2 so please make sure that you ask you child about the performance.  It would be great to see as many parents attend as possible.

A letter about what the children will be studying this term will come out soon.

Enjoy the week. 


Term 2 Week 10

Enjoy the holidays everyone.  Thank you to all my parents and students for a wonderful term.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Term 2 Week 8

This week is the final week that the students can work on their History, Science and Geography.  It is a busy week with compiling all the assessment tasks that the children have done and collating them to be ready for their portfolios. 

Please contact me or the school office if you have not made a parent teacher interview yet.  Interviews take place on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. 

Please ensure your child completes their homework.  It is very minimal - spelling words and times tables.

Enjoy your week and I look forward to seeing you at the Parent Teacher Interviews.

Have a good week.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Term 2 Week 6

Hi all and welcome to another busy week.  This week will mark the start of writing assessment tasks in history and science.  The class will do their term 2 maths test during the week.  Please keep asking your child what they are doing for their assessment tasks and help them remain on task. 
Enjoy the week.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Team 2 Week 4

This week is NAPLAN.  On Tuesday the children will be doing 2 tests.  The first will be the language test and then a writing task.  These tasks will be during the morning session.  Wednesday will be a reading test in the morning session. The final test is on Thursday with the maths test.

Please check with y0our child that they have the materials required for these tests eg pencil, rubber and ruler.

A healthy breakfast is also very important on these few mornings.  It is important every morning but particularly on these NAPLAN days.

Any questions please see me......


Monday, May 4, 2015

Term 2 Week 3

Welcome to week 3!! 
This week the children will have a mother's day stall on Tuesday and the prices for the gifts vary from $1 - $5. 
The school will also be holding the Mother's Day Liturgy on Friday morning at 7.15am.  A BBQ breakfast will be supplied after.  Please RSVP for catering purposes.
Enjoy your week.


Sunday, April 26, 2015

Term 2 Week 2

Welcome to week 2.
Outlined below is an exert from the term newsletter.  The newsletter will be handed out on Monday.  Our class is coordinating the Parish mass this week.  Wednesday 29th April 9.00 am.  Hope to see you there.



RELIGION – Our Religion unit for the term is Sacramental Celebration. In this unit the children will learn about the sacraments, what they mean, symbols used and why. At the end of the unit, the children will have a greater understanding of the sacraments and how they fit in with our faith journey.


HISTORY – COLONIAL AUSTRALIA:. The children will be learning about the early colonisation of Australia. In this unit, the children will be looking at penal and free settlements, focussing on the penal settlements of Port Arthur and St Helena Island and the free settlements of Adelaide and Melbourne. This unit will also include an excursion to Saint Helena Island on the Thursday 21 May, 2015. The children will then write an illustrated fact sheet on Saint Helena Island.


GEOGRAPHY: The children will be learning about the States, Capitals, Population Density and Climatic regions of Australia.


SCIENCE – BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE. The children will explore how different creatures adapt to their different environments.



We use Signpost Maths on a daily or almost daily basis. We also use Signpost Maths Mentals - used to help with mental computation. 



In Literacy, we are focussing on the writing genre of Narrative. We will also be doing practise for Naplan. The children will also be focussing continually on grammar and punctuation.


We can not stress enough the importance of your child reading for at least 15 minutes every day.



This term the children will be participating in Dance Fever which is an exciting 40 minute dance session every Tuesday.


SPORT:  During this term, the children have Interschool Sports Practice every Thursday from 8.00am to 9.00am. The Interschool Sport Competition is every Friday from 12.00pm – 2.55pm


Just a reminder that birthdays are a special thing for children and we are happy to celebrate them at school. If you would like to bring something for the children to share please bring individual patty cakes or other things that are easy to hand out.

Enjoy the coming week.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Term 2 Week 1

Hi and welcome to term 2!  I hope you all had an enjoyable break and lovely Easter celebrations with your family. 

This will be another busy term with lots of things happening.  I will send home a letter soon.  Our class will be celebrating Parish Mass next week on Wednesday the 29th April.  Hope you can join us.

The ANZAC March will be held on Saturday and we are meeting at 9.45am.  I will be there and participating in the march so please encourage your child to attend.

Homework will occur each week but will remain minimal..... Spelling and times tables are what is expected each Friday.

Enjoy your week.


Monday, March 23, 2015

Term 1 Week 9

Wow! Almost there!  This week the class must hand in their good copy of their History Journal by Wednesday.  The Maths test will be on Thursday. 

Next week on Monday is Cross country ( a gold coin donation to wear the house colour) and on the Wednesday evening is the school show case.

There is no set homework as the History Journal is to be done in home time.  No spelling test or times table test this week...

Enjoy your week.


Monday, March 16, 2015

Term 1 Week 8

Another very busy week ahead.  The children have minimal homework over the next few weeks.  The children will have their spelling words and times tables.  During homework time the children will need to complete their history assessment journal.  The children have done their draft in class and some time has been allocated to complete these.  However, the finished product needs to be completed and handed in NEXT THURSDAY.  Any questions please ask or email me.

In class assessment will be taking place this week and next.  Children can revise maths concepts that are in their Maths Text Books.

Enjoy your week and apologies for not  posting a blog last week.

Many thanks.

Felicity Pryer

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Term 1 Week 6

Wow!!! After a very busy week 5 with all of the Vision Statement and assembly things to do, we are back into lots of work.

The children need to begin to prepare to organise some special writing paper from home for the final draft of their History Journal entries.

The rough drafts are currently being completed in class and these will be the ones that are graded, although the students have to do a good and final copy of these journal entries for the portfolios.

Enjoy your week.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Term 1 Week 5

Welcome to a very busy week!!

This week our class is saying the prayer at morning assembly each day this week.  Our vision statement will be presented in the church on Monday afternoon at 1.50pm and our class assembly is on this Wednesday 25th Feb at 2.25pm.

I will be out of the classroom and in the office on Friday while all of the Admin team are at a conference. 
Enjoy the week. 

Felicity Pryer

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Term 1 Week 4

This week will be another very busy week for the students of 5 Maroon.  on Tuesday this week the children can purchase a pancake for shrove Tuesday and the money raised will go to the Caritas appeal. 

the liturgy for Ash Wednesday will be at 9am on the church on the 18th of February. 

A few date claimers:  Next Monday 23rd February at 1.55 our class will present their class vision statement to the admin team and other year 5 classes and year 3.  All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Our class assembly is Wednesday the 25th February at 2.20pm.  All parents and friends are invited to attend our first of three assemblies for the year......
 Please feel free to contact me if needed.  My door is always open.

Enjoy your week.


Monday, February 9, 2015


Parents, please log onto, then click on parent payment.

Click on Book Club pay now, then continue to fill out details on Parent Bookclub Payment.
Once completed, you will receive a 11 digit receipt number which needs to be recorded on your order form, with all your details, and then return this order form to the school by the due date.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Term 1 Week 1

Parent Information – Term 1 Year 5, 2015

Welcome to Year 5. The three year 5 classes for 2015 are:

5M - Mrs Felicity Pryer                 
5G - Mr Bill Galea                        
5N – Mrs Ellena Di Raimondo                  
5N – Mrs Jessica Wetkin             

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or questions. To make an appointment, please contact us via email or through the school office. Alternatively, feel free to send a note with your child. We will get back to you with a suitable time for us to meet.

Our current unit of work is creating our Vision Statement. In this unit we look at rules and expectations at school, classroom rituals and routines and appropriate behaviour choices and consequences. The unit culminates in the children writing a Class Vision Statement together. At the end of the unit the children will be given their own copy of the vision statement and asked to go through it with you at home.

This year the focus is Ancient Words.

Religion – We start the term with creating the vision statement for our class which will give a reference point for our class to work towards for the year. After this, the children will look at look at Mary and prayers relating to Mary.
History  – The Australian Colonies. The children will look at the reasons for the establishment of British colonies and what caused the expansion of colonies throughout Australia (eg The discovery of gold). They will also explore the types of people who made up these colonies.

Science – Changing States: The children will learn about the different states of matter and how one substance can change from one state to another (e.g. water can change from ice to water to steam.)

Maths - We will be following the Australian National Curriculum in Maths. Mrs Susan Gambley has written a whole school curriculum in line with the National Curriculum and she has broken this down into year levels. There is a strong emphasis on drill and basics.

Literacy – Our Literacy will be in line with the National Curriculum as well. Punctuation and sentence structure feature very strongly in our work.

The children will also receive a magazine called Blast Off. This magazine is a valuable resource for the children to use both at home and school.

We can not stress enough the importance of your child reading for at least 15 minutes every day.


Homework will be relatively the same between the 3 classes.  In year, 5 we have weekly homework. This homework should take between 15 – 20 minutes each day to complete, including the writing out of their spelling words. Spelling will be done daily in class followed by various activities and there will be a weekly test on Friday. We understand that sometimes homework can not be completed and simply ask for a note or signature to indicate that you are aware your child has not completed set tasks for the week.

The weekly homework will on the class website along with any class information.  Please refer to the homework or parent information section. Please check this website regularly.
Mrs Pryer’s website is
Mrs Di Riamondo and Mrs Wetkin’s website is
Mr Galea’s website is

BIRTHDAYSBirthdays are a special thing for children and we are happy to celebrate them at school. If you would like to bring something for the children to share please bring individual patty cakes or other things that are easy to hand out.

Below is the specialist timetable for the year. You may like to put this in a place that can be easily seen at home.


Specialist Lesson
Library and Library Borrowing
2.00 - 2.55

Music and PE

9.40 – 10.40

Cultural Literacy
12.10 – 12.50

**Sports uniform days for all Year 5 classes = Tuesday and Friday.

INTERSCHOOL SPORT: This year the Year Fives and Sixes will be competing in interschool sport. Preference notes for the sport chosen have been sent home. Please get these back as soon as possible so teams can be worked out.

Year 5 teaching team,

Felicity Pryer, Bill Galea, Ellena Di Riamondo and Jess Wetkin.