Monday, May 26, 2014

Term 2 Week 6

Welcome to week 6!  This week the students will be sitting their maths tests over 2 days.  Please help your child revise for this test. The topics covered in this terms test are:

-       2D Shapes

-       3D objects

-       Time (o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past)

-       Months of the year

-       Flipping and sliding shapes

Statistics and Probability

-       Reading graphs

-       Chance words      

Topics Covered:

-       Numbers to 1000

-       Addition and subtraction to 100

-       Linking addition and subtraction

-       Repeated addition

-       Multiplication sign

-       Division/sharing

-       Halves, quarters and eighths (whole and collection)

-       Number patterns

The children will also be doing their Religion test on the 10 commandments and the remainder of their History test.  The class will have dance fever on Tuesday morning and attend a Peter Combe concert in Siena Hall at 2pm on Friday afternoon.


Enjoy your week.



Monday, May 12, 2014

Term 2 Week 4

This week is another busy week for 2 Green.  The students will begin their Information Report on a chosen animal. Our phonic focus this week is the long “u” sound as in “u_e”, “ew”, “oo”.  Please ensure that you help your child learn these spelling words as we have a spelling test each Friday morning.  We will also be focusing on adjectives in grammar. 

This week in maths we are revisiting the concept of halves and quarters.  In Religion we are continuing to look at the Old Testament and adding images to our Jesse Tree. 

Dance Fever is on Tuesday morning.  The Value for this fortnight is Commitment.

Enjoy your week.


Friday, May 2, 2014

Term 2 Week 3

Welcome to week 3 of term 2… How quickly have the past few weeks gone!

Please remember 3 important events this week. First on Monday, all Yr 2 students will be walking to the Greenbank RSL for our excursion at 9 am.  This is part of our History unit “Australians at War”.  On Tuesday we have a Mother’s Day stall at school.  The children are asked to bring some money (.50c - $5) to buy a gift for Mother’s Day.  On Friday morning at 7.15am we will be celebrating a Mother’s Day Liturgy in the Church.  Please return the form sent home last week if you intend to stay for breakfast.  If you don’t not have the form please indicate on an email or note that I will send to the office for catering purposes. 

The phonic focus this week is on the long vowel sound ‘O’ as in ‘oe’ ‘ow’ and ‘oa’.  Please help your child learn their spelling words as they have a spelling test every Friday morning. We are continuing our Information Report genre and will be writing a report on Elephants.  If your child has any books on Elephants they are welcome to bring them in to share with the class. 

In maths this week the children will be looking at fair shares and division. 

The value for the week is commitment.

Enjoy the week and kind regards,
