Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Donations please

We have run out of tissues and with over a quarter of the year still to go we are asking for donations.  Not all children brought a box in at the beginning of the year as requested on the book list so it would be great if they could bring them in now. 
Thanks for your assitance!
Felicity and Melissa

Monday, August 27, 2012

Week 8

Welcome to another week.  It's so hard to believe we are at the beginning of Week 8 already, once again another term is going by very quickly!
 The children are to be congratulated on the efforts they put into the maths exam last week.  Well done!  This week in maths we will be reviewing work practised so far and focusing more on fractions and decimals.  We will revise the meaning of halves, quarters and thirds, explore the concept that 1/2 is bigger than 1/4 even though 4 is bigger than 2 and use the fractions 1/2, 1/3, 1/3 to represent everyday situations.  It would benefit the children greatly if you could practise these concepts at home with everyday situations, i.e total number of sausages to be cooked, how many sausages if we only cook 1/2, 1/4 etc...

This week our spelling words focus on r influenced 'ur'.  You will find the spelling words on the Homework page.

A reminder that the Father's day stall is on this coming Wednesday 29th August.

Enjoy your week,
Felicity & Melissa

Monday, August 20, 2012

Week 7

Welcome to a new week.  This one promises to be much less eventful than the previous week! We hope you enjoyed your show holiday last Monday and it was wonderful to see some of you at Under 8's day last Tuesday.  Thank you for all your efforts with costumes for the Book Parade last Thursday and another thanks to the parents who assisted on the excursion last Friday.  

week will see us getting back into routine and our units of work.  A new homeword grid goes home today, if your child hasn't returned the previous week's homework can they do so tomorrow. The new homework grid and spelling words can be found on the Homework Page of the blog. You will find the 'Puzzle Maker' link mentioned in 'Using Technology for Work' on the Homework Grid under "Literacy Sites". 

The children will be sitting this term's Maths Test on Wednesday morning.  A reminder that the Father's day mass and breakfast is this Friday 24th August at 7.15.  We are still after photos of the children with their dads for a slideshow reflection for the mass (even if they won't be at the mass).  Please email these to Felicity at fpryer@bne.catholic.edu.au by Wednesday.

Have a good week!
Felicity & Melissa

Monday, August 6, 2012

Week 5

Welcome to Week 5.  This week we continue to explore our units of work.

In maths we are revising the meaning of halves and exploring the meaning of quarters and thirds.  We are also continuing to review all content covered so far this term in preparation for our Term 3 maths exam in Week 7.  You can support your child by doing the following with them: reading anologue clocks (o'clock, half-past, quarter past & quarter to), reading calenders, doing single-digit additions and subtractions, counting money and counting in 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s to 200.

The homework grid is due today and you will find the new homework grid and this week's spelling words on the Homework page of the blog.  We encourage the children to bring their reading folder daily so they can be given a new book.  Regular practise is what develops vocabulary and fluency.  Please ask your children some questions about what they are reading to assist in the development of comprehension.  The same goes for T.V. shows or movies that they watch - ask them some questions about it.

Next week will be a busy week so here is a reminder of what's happening.  Next Monday 13th August is the Logan Show holiday so there will be no school.  On Tuesday we celebrate Under 8's day with a morning of activities on the junior oval (let's hope we continue to have these beautiful days!). There is no holiday for the children on Wednesday and there is a whole school mass to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption. On Thursday we will have our Bookweek parade.  The children are able to come to school dressed as their favourite character from a book.  

Have an enjoyable week!
Felicity & Melissa